Efes Kazan Brewery /Ankara/ Turkey
A greenfield production facility constructed on an area of 75.000m2 within the borders of Kazan county of Ankara. An annual capacity of hectoliters, equipped with the state of art production technology , the brewery was a serious contender for being one of the most important production centers of Europe. The conceptual and preliminary design has been made in Germany while other engineering services were completed in Turkey. Following construction methods and materials have been used:
Pre-stressed reinforced concrete structural frame (with 32.00 meter roof span) steel building structure Sliding formwork R.C.
Grain silo R.C. pile foundations, Conventional heavy reinforced concrete construction Coldrolled; coil coated metal roofing and facade cladding systems high standard industrial finishing.
Administration Building: 3.000 m2
Boiling and filtering building: 4.000 m2
Filling and storage building: 22.000 m2
Fermentation tanks: 2.500 m2
Energy building: 2.000 m2
Silo building: ( 17.00 mt x 17.00 mt ) H : 24.00 mt
Grinding building: (17.00 mt x 17.00 mt ) H : 24.00 mt
Waste treatment building: Reinforced concrete construction, capacity: 2.000m3 / da